Friday, July 13, 2012

Color DONE!!!

I think, i hope, fingers crossed, salt over my shoulder, that the color spraying is DONE! Of course, this being Friday the 13th, a black cat will likely wander into the garage and park its fat ass on my freshly sprayed geetar (thus furthering proof that pussy causes all of life's problems).

Here she is:

It looks a little more blue in these photos than in person... that's my fav thing about this color, depending on the light & angle, it can go from very green to very blue, and all shades in between. I can't wait til it's clear-coated, polished, and accented with chrome.  As long as she dries nicely, i'll begin spraying the clear coat Sunday.

I should also mention that I had a slight overspray incident the other day, but didn't have my camera to document it. Basically, I got to the bottom of the spray can, and made the mistake of trying to squeeze out every last drop, which left us with some thick, dull blotches on the front & back. Wiped off the real bad spots, then opened a new can (thank GOD i ordered two), and after one pass, it looked great again.

In related geetar news, snagged myself a shiny new Wilkinson VS401 tremolo on Ebay for $20 less than it would have cost me otherwise... that's $20 more to spend on booze tonight! Woohoo!!!

Happy Friday the 13th! Go listen to Superstition, preferably SRV's version!!!

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